
Tuesday, December 28, 2004


She is my closest friend, not just one time close but still is….helplessly trying to convince herself or maybe me but mainly the one we two have always feared of becoming… of something…

Something too gross to just close your eyes and do it,

Too utterly waterish to smile and go on with your goofing,

So she looks at me in the eyes and says: ‘you just don’t know, your case is different”

And something in me is wrenched…asking her since when I have become a ‘case’ to her ….since when I had become a ‘case’ for many…like I am one individual with conditions…like people we used to call them cases, nicknamed by horrible conditions lost their edges for us not for them, and telling them in ‘your condition’….

I can’t stand it for myself, neither could I, for all those people we used to call them cases, be it a terminal one….

There is always something to do for a person, a cold shower…a cup of coffee….a loving caress…a good book to read…having a good cry

Something not to cure but to sooth…

In my case, one shouldn’t suspend her being “her case” ever! …be particular in your own cases mates!! Stick to your being yourself

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